Using BLAS/LAPACK from Eigen

Since Eigen version 3.3 and later, any F77 compatible BLAS or LAPACK libraries can be used as backends for dense matrix products and dense matrix decompositions. For instance, one can use IntelĀ® MKL, Apple's Accelerate framework on OSX, OpenBLAS, Netlib LAPACK, etc.

Do not miss this page for further discussions on the specific use of IntelĀ® MKL (also includes VML, PARDISO, etc.)

In order to use an external BLAS and/or LAPACK library, you must link you own application to the respective libraries and their dependencies. For LAPACK, you must also link to the standard Lapacke library, which is used as a convenient think layer between Eigen's C++ code and LAPACK F77 interface. Then you must activate their usage by defining one or multiple of the following macros (before including any Eigen's header):

For Mac users, in order to use the lapack version shipped with the Accelerate framework, you also need the lapacke library. Using MacPorts, this is as easy as:
sudo port install lapack
and then use the following link flags: -framework Accelerate /opt/local/lib/lapack/liblapacke.dylib
EIGEN_USE_BLAS Enables the use of external BLAS level 2 and 3 routines (compatible with any F77 BLAS interface)
EIGEN_USE_LAPACKE Enables the use of external Lapack routines via the Lapacke C interface to Lapack (compatible with any F77 LAPACK interface)
EIGEN_USE_LAPACKE_STRICT Same as EIGEN_USE_LAPACKE but algorithms of lower numerical robustness are disabled.
This currently concerns only JacobiSVD which otherwise would be replaced by gesvd that is less robust than Jacobi rotations.

When doing so, a number of Eigen's algorithms are silently substituted with calls to BLAS or LAPACK routines. These substitutions apply only for Dynamic or large enough objects with one of the following four standard scalar types: float, double, complex<float>, and complex<double>. Operations on other scalar types or mixing reals and complexes will continue to use the built-in algorithms.

The breadth of Eigen functionality that can be substituted is listed in the table below.

Functional domainCode exampleBLAS/LAPACK routines
Matrix-matrix operations
Matrix3d m1
Definition: IOFormat.cpp:2
MatrixType m2(n_dims)
SelfAdjointViewReturnType< UpLo >::Type selfadjointView()
@ Lower
Definition: Constants.h:211
@ Upper
Definition: Constants.h:213
int BLASFUNC() ssyrk(const char *, const char *, const int *, const int *, const float *, const float *, const int *, const float *, float *, const int *)
int BLASFUNC() dsyrk(const char *, const char *, const int *, const int *, const double *, const double *, const int *, const double *, double *, const int *)
void gemm(const DataMapper &res, const Scalar *blockA, const Scalar *blockB, Index rows, Index depth, Index cols, Scalar alpha, Index strideA, Index strideB, Index offsetA, Index offsetB)
Matrix-vector operations
Array< int, 3, 1 > b
TriangularViewReturnType< Mode >::Type triangularView()
const AdjointReturnType adjoint() const
Definition: Transpose.h:223
LU decomposition
v1 =;
Map< RowVectorXf > v2(, M2.size())
M1<< 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;Map< RowVectorXf > v1(, M1.size())
const PartialPivLU< PlainObject, PermutationIndex > lu() const
Cholesky decomposition
v1 = m2.selfadjointView<Upper>().llt().solve(v2);
QR decomposition
const ColPivHouseholderQR< PlainObject, PermutationIndex > colPivHouseholderQr() const
const HouseholderQR< PlainObject > householderQr() const
Singular value decomposition
JacobiSVD<MatrixXd, ComputeThinV> svd;
cout<< "Here is the matrix m:"<< endl<< m<< endl;JacobiSVD< MatrixXf, ComputeThinU|ComputeThinV > svd(m)
Singular value decomposition
BDCSVD<MatrixXd> svd;
Eigen-value decompositions
EigenSolver<MatrixXd> es(m1);
ComplexEigenSolver<MatrixXcd> ces(m1);
SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXd> saes(m1+m1.transpose());
cout<< "Here is a random 4x4 matrix, A:"<< endl<< A<< endl<< endl;ComplexEigenSolver< MatrixXcf > ces
EigenSolver< MatrixXf > es
TransposeReturnType transpose()
Definition: Transpose.h:184
Schur decomposition
RealSchur<MatrixXd> schurR(m1);
ComplexSchur<MatrixXcd> schurC(m1);

In the examples, m1 and m2 are dense matrices and v1 and v2 are dense vectors.