Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2 // for linear algebra.
3 //
4 // Mehdi Goli Codeplay Software Ltd.
5 // Ralph Potter Codeplay Software Ltd.
6 // Luke Iwanski Codeplay Software Ltd.
7 // Contact: <eigen@codeplay.com>
8 //
9 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
10 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
11 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
40 #include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"
42 namespace Eigen {
43 namespace TensorSycl {
44 namespace internal {
48 #endif
50 template <typename index_t>
51 struct ScanParameters {
52  // must be power of 2
53  static EIGEN_CONSTEXPR index_t ScanPerThread = 8;
54  const index_t total_size;
55  const index_t non_scan_size;
56  const index_t scan_size;
57  const index_t non_scan_stride;
58  const index_t scan_stride;
59  const index_t panel_threads;
60  const index_t group_threads;
61  const index_t block_threads;
62  const index_t elements_per_group;
63  const index_t elements_per_block;
64  const index_t loop_range;
66  ScanParameters(index_t total_size_, index_t non_scan_size_, index_t scan_size_, index_t non_scan_stride_,
67  index_t scan_stride_, index_t panel_threads_, index_t group_threads_, index_t block_threads_,
68  index_t elements_per_group_, index_t elements_per_block_, index_t loop_range_)
69  : total_size(total_size_),
70  non_scan_size(non_scan_size_),
71  scan_size(scan_size_),
72  non_scan_stride(non_scan_stride_),
73  scan_stride(scan_stride_),
74  panel_threads(panel_threads_),
75  group_threads(group_threads_),
76  block_threads(block_threads_),
77  elements_per_group(elements_per_group_),
78  elements_per_block(elements_per_block_),
79  loop_range(loop_range_) {}
80 };
82 enum class scan_step { first, second };
83 template <typename Evaluator, typename CoeffReturnType, typename OutAccessor, typename Op, typename Index,
84  scan_step stp>
85 struct ScanKernelFunctor {
86  typedef cl::sycl::accessor<CoeffReturnType, 1, cl::sycl::access::mode::read_write, cl::sycl::access::target::local>
87  LocalAccessor;
88  static EIGEN_CONSTEXPR int PacketSize = ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread / 2;
90  LocalAccessor scratch;
91  Evaluator dev_eval;
92  OutAccessor out_ptr;
93  OutAccessor tmp_ptr;
94  const ScanParameters<Index> scanParameters;
95  Op accumulator;
96  const bool inclusive;
97  EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ScanKernelFunctor(LocalAccessor scratch_, const Evaluator dev_eval_,
98  OutAccessor out_accessor_, OutAccessor temp_accessor_,
99  const ScanParameters<Index> scanParameters_, Op accumulator_,
100  const bool inclusive_)
101  : scratch(scratch_),
102  dev_eval(dev_eval_),
103  out_ptr(out_accessor_),
104  tmp_ptr(temp_accessor_),
105  scanParameters(scanParameters_),
106  accumulator(accumulator_),
107  inclusive(inclusive_) {}
109  template <scan_step sst = stp, typename Input>
110  std::enable_if_t<sst == scan_step::first, CoeffReturnType> EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC
112  read(const Input &inpt, Index global_id) const {
113  return inpt.coeff(global_id);
114  }
116  template <scan_step sst = stp, typename Input>
117  std::enable_if_t<sst != scan_step::first, CoeffReturnType> EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC
119  read(const Input &inpt, Index global_id) const {
120  return inpt[global_id];
121  }
123  template <scan_step sst = stp, typename InclusiveOp>
124  std::enable_if_t<sst == scan_step::first> EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE
125  first_step_inclusive_Operation(InclusiveOp inclusive_op) const {
126  inclusive_op();
127  }
129  template <scan_step sst = stp, typename InclusiveOp>
130  std::enable_if_t<sst != scan_step::first> EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE
131  first_step_inclusive_Operation(InclusiveOp) const {}
133  EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void operator()(cl::sycl::nd_item<1> itemID) const {
136  for (Index loop_offset = 0; loop_offset < scanParameters.loop_range; loop_offset++) {
137  Index data_offset = (itemID.get_global_id(0) + (itemID.get_global_range(0) * loop_offset));
138  Index tmp = data_offset % scanParameters.panel_threads;
139  const Index panel_id = data_offset / scanParameters.panel_threads;
140  const Index group_id = tmp / scanParameters.group_threads;
141  tmp = tmp % scanParameters.group_threads;
142  const Index block_id = tmp / scanParameters.block_threads;
143  const Index local_id = tmp % scanParameters.block_threads;
144  // we put one element per packet in scratch_mem
145  const Index scratch_stride = scanParameters.elements_per_block / PacketSize;
146  const Index scratch_offset = (itemID.get_local_id(0) / scanParameters.block_threads) * scratch_stride;
147  CoeffReturnType private_scan[ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread];
148  CoeffReturnType inclusive_scan;
149  // the actual panel size is scan_size * non_scan_size.
150  // elements_per_panel is roundup to power of 2 for binary tree
151  const Index panel_offset = panel_id * scanParameters.scan_size * scanParameters.non_scan_size;
152  const Index group_offset = group_id * scanParameters.non_scan_stride;
153  // This will be effective when the size is bigger than elements_per_block
154  const Index block_offset = block_id * scanParameters.elements_per_block * scanParameters.scan_stride;
155  const Index thread_offset = (ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread * local_id * scanParameters.scan_stride);
156  const Index global_offset = panel_offset + group_offset + block_offset + thread_offset;
157  Index next_elements = 0;
159  for (int i = 0; i < ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread; i++) {
160  Index global_id = global_offset + next_elements;
161  private_scan[i] = ((((block_id * scanParameters.elements_per_block) +
162  (ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread * local_id) + i) < scanParameters.scan_size) &&
163  (global_id < scanParameters.total_size))
164  ? read(dev_eval, global_id)
165  : accumulator.initialize();
166  next_elements += scanParameters.scan_stride;
167  }
168  first_step_inclusive_Operation([&]() EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC {
169  if (inclusive) {
170  inclusive_scan = private_scan[ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread - 1];
171  }
172  });
173  // This for loop must be 2
175  for (int packetIndex = 0; packetIndex < ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread; packetIndex += PacketSize) {
176  Index private_offset = 1;
177  // build sum in place up the tree
179  for (Index d = PacketSize >> 1; d > 0; d >>= 1) {
181  for (Index l = 0; l < d; l++) {
182  Index ai = private_offset * (2 * l + 1) - 1 + packetIndex;
183  Index bi = private_offset * (2 * l + 2) - 1 + packetIndex;
184  CoeffReturnType accum = accumulator.initialize();
185  accumulator.reduce(private_scan[ai], &accum);
186  accumulator.reduce(private_scan[bi], &accum);
187  private_scan[bi] = accumulator.finalize(accum);
188  }
189  private_offset *= 2;
190  }
191  scratch[2 * local_id + (packetIndex / PacketSize) + scratch_offset] =
192  private_scan[PacketSize - 1 + packetIndex];
193  private_scan[PacketSize - 1 + packetIndex] = accumulator.initialize();
194  // traverse down tree & build scan
196  for (Index d = 1; d < PacketSize; d *= 2) {
197  private_offset >>= 1;
199  for (Index l = 0; l < d; l++) {
200  Index ai = private_offset * (2 * l + 1) - 1 + packetIndex;
201  Index bi = private_offset * (2 * l + 2) - 1 + packetIndex;
202  CoeffReturnType accum = accumulator.initialize();
203  accumulator.reduce(private_scan[ai], &accum);
204  accumulator.reduce(private_scan[bi], &accum);
205  private_scan[ai] = private_scan[bi];
206  private_scan[bi] = accumulator.finalize(accum);
207  }
208  }
209  }
211  Index offset = 1;
212  // build sum in place up the tree
213  for (Index d = scratch_stride >> 1; d > 0; d >>= 1) {
214  // Synchronise
215  itemID.barrier(cl::sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
216  if (local_id < d) {
217  Index ai = offset * (2 * local_id + 1) - 1 + scratch_offset;
218  Index bi = offset * (2 * local_id + 2) - 1 + scratch_offset;
219  CoeffReturnType accum = accumulator.initialize();
220  accumulator.reduce(scratch[ai], &accum);
221  accumulator.reduce(scratch[bi], &accum);
222  scratch[bi] = accumulator.finalize(accum);
223  }
224  offset *= 2;
225  }
226  // Synchronise
227  itemID.barrier(cl::sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
228  // next step optimisation
229  if (local_id == 0) {
230  if (((scanParameters.elements_per_group / scanParameters.elements_per_block) > 1)) {
231  const Index temp_id = panel_id * (scanParameters.elements_per_group / scanParameters.elements_per_block) *
232  scanParameters.non_scan_size +
233  group_id * (scanParameters.elements_per_group / scanParameters.elements_per_block) +
234  block_id;
235  tmp_ptr[temp_id] = scratch[scratch_stride - 1 + scratch_offset];
236  }
237  // clear the last element
238  scratch[scratch_stride - 1 + scratch_offset] = accumulator.initialize();
239  }
240  // traverse down tree & build scan
241  for (Index d = 1; d < scratch_stride; d *= 2) {
242  offset >>= 1;
243  // Synchronise
244  itemID.barrier(cl::sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
245  if (local_id < d) {
246  Index ai = offset * (2 * local_id + 1) - 1 + scratch_offset;
247  Index bi = offset * (2 * local_id + 2) - 1 + scratch_offset;
248  CoeffReturnType accum = accumulator.initialize();
249  accumulator.reduce(scratch[ai], &accum);
250  accumulator.reduce(scratch[bi], &accum);
251  scratch[ai] = scratch[bi];
252  scratch[bi] = accumulator.finalize(accum);
253  }
254  }
255  // Synchronise
256  itemID.barrier(cl::sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
257  // This for loop must be 2
259  for (int packetIndex = 0; packetIndex < ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread; packetIndex += PacketSize) {
261  for (Index i = 0; i < PacketSize; i++) {
262  CoeffReturnType accum = private_scan[packetIndex + i];
263  accumulator.reduce(scratch[2 * local_id + (packetIndex / PacketSize) + scratch_offset], &accum);
264  private_scan[packetIndex + i] = accumulator.finalize(accum);
265  }
266  }
267  first_step_inclusive_Operation([&]() EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC {
268  if (inclusive) {
269  accumulator.reduce(private_scan[ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread - 1], &inclusive_scan);
270  private_scan[0] = accumulator.finalize(inclusive_scan);
271  }
272  });
273  next_elements = 0;
274  // right the first set of private param
276  for (Index i = 0; i < ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread; i++) {
277  Index global_id = global_offset + next_elements;
278  if ((((block_id * scanParameters.elements_per_block) + (ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread * local_id) + i) <
279  scanParameters.scan_size) &&
280  (global_id < scanParameters.total_size)) {
281  Index private_id = (i * !inclusive) + (((i + 1) % ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread) * (inclusive));
282  out_ptr[global_id] = private_scan[private_id];
283  }
284  next_elements += scanParameters.scan_stride;
285  }
286  } // end for loop
287  }
288 };
290 template <typename CoeffReturnType, typename InAccessor, typename OutAccessor, typename Op, typename Index>
291 struct ScanAdjustmentKernelFunctor {
292  typedef cl::sycl::accessor<CoeffReturnType, 1, cl::sycl::access::mode::read_write, cl::sycl::access::target::local>
293  LocalAccessor;
294  static EIGEN_CONSTEXPR int PacketSize = ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread / 2;
295  InAccessor in_ptr;
296  OutAccessor out_ptr;
297  const ScanParameters<Index> scanParameters;
298  Op accumulator;
299  EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ScanAdjustmentKernelFunctor(LocalAccessor, InAccessor in_accessor_,
300  OutAccessor out_accessor_,
301  const ScanParameters<Index> scanParameters_,
302  Op accumulator_)
303  : in_ptr(in_accessor_),
304  out_ptr(out_accessor_),
305  scanParameters(scanParameters_),
306  accumulator(accumulator_) {}
308  EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void operator()(cl::sycl::nd_item<1> itemID) const {
310  for (Index loop_offset = 0; loop_offset < scanParameters.loop_range; loop_offset++) {
311  Index data_offset = (itemID.get_global_id(0) + (itemID.get_global_range(0) * loop_offset));
312  Index tmp = data_offset % scanParameters.panel_threads;
313  const Index panel_id = data_offset / scanParameters.panel_threads;
314  const Index group_id = tmp / scanParameters.group_threads;
315  tmp = tmp % scanParameters.group_threads;
316  const Index block_id = tmp / scanParameters.block_threads;
317  const Index local_id = tmp % scanParameters.block_threads;
319  // the actual panel size is scan_size * non_scan_size.
320  // elements_per_panel is roundup to power of 2 for binary tree
321  const Index panel_offset = panel_id * scanParameters.scan_size * scanParameters.non_scan_size;
322  const Index group_offset = group_id * scanParameters.non_scan_stride;
323  // This will be effective when the size is bigger than elements_per_block
324  const Index block_offset = block_id * scanParameters.elements_per_block * scanParameters.scan_stride;
325  const Index thread_offset = ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread * local_id * scanParameters.scan_stride;
327  const Index global_offset = panel_offset + group_offset + block_offset + thread_offset;
328  const Index block_size = scanParameters.elements_per_group / scanParameters.elements_per_block;
329  const Index in_id = (panel_id * block_size * scanParameters.non_scan_size) + (group_id * block_size) + block_id;
330  CoeffReturnType adjust_val = in_ptr[in_id];
332  Index next_elements = 0;
334  for (Index i = 0; i < ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread; i++) {
335  Index global_id = global_offset + next_elements;
336  if ((((block_id * scanParameters.elements_per_block) + (ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread * local_id) + i) <
337  scanParameters.scan_size) &&
338  (global_id < scanParameters.total_size)) {
339  CoeffReturnType accum = adjust_val;
340  accumulator.reduce(out_ptr[global_id], &accum);
341  out_ptr[global_id] = accumulator.finalize(accum);
342  }
343  next_elements += scanParameters.scan_stride;
344  }
345  }
346  }
347 };
349 template <typename Index>
350 struct ScanInfo {
351  const Index &total_size;
352  const Index &scan_size;
353  const Index &panel_size;
354  const Index &non_scan_size;
355  const Index &scan_stride;
356  const Index &non_scan_stride;
358  Index max_elements_per_block;
359  Index block_size;
360  Index panel_threads;
361  Index group_threads;
362  Index block_threads;
363  Index elements_per_group;
364  Index elements_per_block;
365  Index loop_range;
366  Index global_range;
367  Index local_range;
368  const Eigen::SyclDevice &dev;
369  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ScanInfo(const Index &total_size_, const Index &scan_size_, const Index &panel_size_,
370  const Index &non_scan_size_, const Index &scan_stride_, const Index &non_scan_stride_,
371  const Eigen::SyclDevice &dev_)
372  : total_size(total_size_),
373  scan_size(scan_size_),
374  panel_size(panel_size_),
375  non_scan_size(non_scan_size_),
376  scan_stride(scan_stride_),
377  non_scan_stride(non_scan_stride_),
378  dev(dev_) {
379  // must be power of 2
380  local_range = std::min(Index(dev.getNearestPowerOfTwoWorkGroupSize()),
383  max_elements_per_block = local_range * ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread;
385  elements_per_group =
386  dev.getPowerOfTwo(Index(roundUp(Index(scan_size), ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread)), true);
387  const Index elements_per_panel = elements_per_group * non_scan_size;
388  elements_per_block = std::min(Index(elements_per_group), Index(max_elements_per_block));
389  panel_threads = elements_per_panel / ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread;
390  group_threads = elements_per_group / ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread;
391  block_threads = elements_per_block / ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread;
392  block_size = elements_per_group / elements_per_block;
394  const Index max_threads = std::min(Index(panel_threads * panel_size), Index(EIGEN_SYCL_MAX_GLOBAL_RANGE));
395 #else
396  const Index max_threads = panel_threads * panel_size;
397 #endif
398  global_range = roundUp(max_threads, local_range);
399  loop_range = Index(
400  std::ceil(double(elements_per_panel * panel_size) / (global_range * ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread)));
401  }
402  inline ScanParameters<Index> get_scan_parameter() {
403  return ScanParameters<Index>(total_size, non_scan_size, scan_size, non_scan_stride, scan_stride, panel_threads,
404  group_threads, block_threads, elements_per_group, elements_per_block, loop_range);
405  }
406  inline cl::sycl::nd_range<1> get_thread_range() {
407  return cl::sycl::nd_range<1>(cl::sycl::range<1>(global_range), cl::sycl::range<1>(local_range));
408  }
409 };
411 template <typename EvaluatorPointerType, typename CoeffReturnType, typename Reducer, typename Index>
412 struct SYCLAdjustBlockOffset {
413  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void adjust_scan_block_offset(EvaluatorPointerType in_ptr, EvaluatorPointerType out_ptr,
414  Reducer &accumulator, const Index total_size,
415  const Index scan_size, const Index panel_size,
416  const Index non_scan_size, const Index scan_stride,
417  const Index non_scan_stride, const Eigen::SyclDevice &dev) {
418  auto scan_info =
419  ScanInfo<Index>(total_size, scan_size, panel_size, non_scan_size, scan_stride, non_scan_stride, dev);
421  typedef ScanAdjustmentKernelFunctor<CoeffReturnType, EvaluatorPointerType, EvaluatorPointerType, Reducer, Index>
422  AdjustFuctor;
423  dev.template unary_kernel_launcher<CoeffReturnType, AdjustFuctor>(in_ptr, out_ptr, scan_info.get_thread_range(),
424  scan_info.max_elements_per_block,
425  scan_info.get_scan_parameter(), accumulator).wait();
426  }
427 };
429 template <typename CoeffReturnType, scan_step stp>
430 struct ScanLauncher_impl {
431  template <typename Input, typename EvaluatorPointerType, typename Reducer, typename Index>
432  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void scan_block(Input in_ptr, EvaluatorPointerType out_ptr, Reducer &accumulator,
433  const Index total_size, const Index scan_size, const Index panel_size,
434  const Index non_scan_size, const Index scan_stride,
435  const Index non_scan_stride, const bool inclusive,
436  const Eigen::SyclDevice &dev) {
437  auto scan_info =
438  ScanInfo<Index>(total_size, scan_size, panel_size, non_scan_size, scan_stride, non_scan_stride, dev);
439  const Index temp_pointer_size = scan_info.block_size * non_scan_size * panel_size;
440  const Index scratch_size = scan_info.max_elements_per_block / (ScanParameters<Index>::ScanPerThread / 2);
441  CoeffReturnType *temp_pointer =
442  static_cast<CoeffReturnType *>(dev.allocate_temp(temp_pointer_size * sizeof(CoeffReturnType)));
443  EvaluatorPointerType tmp_global_accessor = dev.get(temp_pointer);
445  typedef ScanKernelFunctor<Input, CoeffReturnType, EvaluatorPointerType, Reducer, Index, stp> ScanFunctor;
446  dev.template binary_kernel_launcher<CoeffReturnType, ScanFunctor>(
447  in_ptr, out_ptr, tmp_global_accessor, scan_info.get_thread_range(), scratch_size,
448  scan_info.get_scan_parameter(), accumulator, inclusive).wait();
450  if (scan_info.block_size > 1) {
451  ScanLauncher_impl<CoeffReturnType, scan_step::second>::scan_block(
452  tmp_global_accessor, tmp_global_accessor, accumulator, temp_pointer_size, scan_info.block_size, panel_size,
453  non_scan_size, Index(1), scan_info.block_size, false, dev);
455  SYCLAdjustBlockOffset<EvaluatorPointerType, CoeffReturnType, Reducer, Index>::adjust_scan_block_offset(
456  tmp_global_accessor, out_ptr, accumulator, total_size, scan_size, panel_size, non_scan_size, scan_stride,
457  non_scan_stride, dev);
458  }
459  dev.deallocate_temp(temp_pointer);
460  }
461 };
463 } // namespace internal
464 } // namespace TensorSycl
465 namespace internal {
466 template <typename Self, typename Reducer, bool vectorize>
467 struct ScanLauncher<Self, Reducer, Eigen::SyclDevice, vectorize> {
468  typedef typename Self::Index Index;
469  typedef typename Self::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
470  typedef typename Self::Storage Storage;
471  typedef typename Self::EvaluatorPointerType EvaluatorPointerType;
472  void operator()(Self &self, EvaluatorPointerType data) const {
473  const Index total_size = internal::array_prod(self.dimensions());
474  const Index scan_size = self.size();
475  const Index scan_stride = self.stride();
476  // this is the scan op (can be sum or ...)
477  auto accumulator = self.accumulator();
478  auto inclusive = !self.exclusive();
479  auto consume_dim = self.consume_dim();
480  auto dev = self.device();
482  auto dims = self.inner().dimensions();
484  Index non_scan_size = 1;
485  Index panel_size = 1;
486  if (static_cast<int>(Self::Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
487  for (int i = 0; i < consume_dim; i++) {
488  non_scan_size *= dims[i];
489  }
490  for (int i = consume_dim + 1; i < Self::NumDims; i++) {
491  panel_size *= dims[i];
492  }
493  } else {
494  for (int i = Self::NumDims - 1; i > consume_dim; i--) {
495  non_scan_size *= dims[i];
496  }
497  for (int i = consume_dim - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
498  panel_size *= dims[i];
499  }
500  }
501  const Index non_scan_stride = (scan_stride > 1) ? 1 : scan_size;
502  auto eval_impl = self.inner();
503  TensorSycl::internal::ScanLauncher_impl<CoeffReturnType, TensorSycl::internal::scan_step::first>::scan_block(
504  eval_impl, data, accumulator, total_size, scan_size, panel_size, non_scan_size, scan_stride, non_scan_stride,
505  inclusive, dev);
506  }
507 };
508 } // namespace internal
509 } // namespace Eigen
int i
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