5 minutes
Written: 1995-08-10 00:00 +0000
Updated: 2025-03-10 00:53 +0000
Collection of WebLinks
An attempt to re-claim and verify my digital presence.
I mentioned on my about page, that it is nigh impossible to keep track of every digital trace there is of me. That said, it is really not even a countable infinite set yet, so it is a good idea to get started before it gets much worse. This is minimally curated, and will only be sporadically updated, so take everything here with a grain of salt. I honestly have no idea why anyone who is not me would like to see this, other than to prove one of these with respect to the rest1.
- NumPy Team
- The Carpentries
- Univ.ai
- TeX Users Group
- TUG 2020 Conference Committee member
- TUG Zulip Admin
- Maintainer for packages on:
- ArchLinux (the Arch User Repository (AUR))
- Nixpkgs
- Spack
- PyPI
Pages and Articles
By Me
- Articles written for the Student Paper of the University of Iceland
- Everything on any of my many websites
- Write-up on research with a ChemE undergraduate degree for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Young Professionals Committee (YPC)
- Hackernoon article on Locking and Encrypting Apps with Encfs
- The Water, Chemicals and more with Computers for Chemistry (WC3m) course website
- My GSoD (Google Season of Docs) 2020 completion report for SymEngine
Collaborative Carpentries Posts
- A collaborative post on [[https://carpentries.org/blog/2020/08/r-4-migration/][migrating to R 4.0 for The
Tech Conferences
These are tech talks, for academic presentations, my CV is a better guide.
- Reproducible Scalable Workflows with Nix, Papermill and Renku at PyCon India 2020
- Reproducible Environments with the Nix Packaging System at CarpentryCon 2020
Lightning Talks
- Nix from the dark ages (without Root) at NixCon 2020
Mentioning Me
- TUGBOAT issue for TUG 2020 proceedings
- Several mentions as a conference organizer
- Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2021 - LFortran and Computational Chemistry
- 2021 List of projects funded by the Icelandic Research Fund
- Google Season of Docs (GSoD) 2020 - Symengine
- Spring 2021 Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) Fellow for “Tensor Methods and Emerging Applications to the Physical and Data Sciences”
- 2020 Categorifications in Representation Theory (participant)
- Heilbronn Annual Conference 2020 (participant)
- CIRM - Jean-Morlet Chair - Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (info) [participant]
- CIRM Mathematical Methods of Modern Statistics 2 (info) [participant]
- Kavli IPMU conference on “The McKay correspondence, mutation and related topics” (participant)
- Gallery of RARE 2019 at IISc
- Probablistic Data Analysis (University of Turku)
- AiiDA Virtual Tutotrial 2020
- FortranCon 2020 Author
- Stan Math 3.3.0 contributor
- CECAM Participant for:
- Fortran Newsletter Mentions:
- April 2021: LFortran contributor
- March 2021: LFortran contributor
- May 2021: GSoC acceptance
- IOP Workshop on C++ II - Libraries and Simulations
- April 13, 2020 (instructor) (materials)
- Water, Chemicals and more with Computers for Chemistry (WC3m)
- July 28-August 28, 2020 (co-lead)
2020 MegaCodeRefinery (helper)
- Data Carpentry Ecology Social Sciences with R at CMU
- March 29-31, 2021 (instructor)
- Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) LC Workshop
- March 16-19, 2021 (instructor)
- SWC workshop at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
- March 16-17, 23-24, 2021 (instructor)
- Data Analysis and Visualization in Python for Ecologists at UCSB
- February 18-19, 2021 (instructor)
- Triangle Research Library Network Library Carpentry Workshop
- December 1-4, 2020 (instructor)
- Data Carpentry Ecology with R at CMU
- November 11-13, 2020 (instructor)
- Data Carpentry Workshop at ITEP
- November 9-10, 2020 (instructor)
- Sciware: Git and GitHub at the Flatiron Institute
- September 24 and October 1, 2020 (instructor)
- Data Carpentry Workshop for Social Sciences Georgia Gwinnett College
- September 8-11, 2020 (instructor)
- Online Data Carpentry Workshop SADiLaR, South Africa
- 29 June - 3 July, 2020 (instructor)
- Data Carpentry Ecology for Biotech Partners
- June 22-July 2, 2020 (instructor)
- Quoted in a Stanford Daily Article on CS106A Code in Place
- Fortran Monthly Newsletter (June 2020)
- Emacs News
- 2021-07-27: for Doom Emacs and Language Servers
- 2020-06-22: for Temporary LaTeX Documents with Orgmode
- 2020-06-15: for Emacs for Nix-R
- 2020-05-11: for An Orgmode Note Workflow
- 2020-05-04: for Pandoc to Orgmode with Babel
- 2020-04-27: for Using Mathematica with Orgmode
- 2020-04-13: for my dotDoom doom-emacs configuration
- 2020-04-06: for Replacing Jupyter with Orgmode
Of Me
- Everything on my YouTube channel
- Discussion session for the CS196A Code in Place AMA with the students
- Panelist for the CarpentryCon 2020 session on lessons learnt from remote teaching
- Student Presentation at UI on Scrum for Software Quality Management
- CarpentryCon 2020 session recording on “Reproducible Environments with the Nix Packaging System”
Including Me
This category involves recordings where I asked questions, and therefore technically involve me in a sense.
- I appear in the audience of this clip on neural networks and regularization
- Code in Place AMA with Stanford CS Lecturers
- I appear (audibly) to ask a question for the TUG2020 closing seminar by John MacFarlane
HPC Carpentry
Fortran Maintainers Monthly Calls
IAS TML Lecture Questions
I’ve been sitting in on these for a while thanks to Ke Li, but this section lists some of the lectures I asked a question in
- “What Do Models Learn?” by Aleksander Mądry
- “Langevin Dynamics in Machine Learning” by Michael Jordan
- “Graph Nets: The Next Generation” by Max Welling
- “Priors for Semantic Variables” by Yoshua Bengio
- “A Blueprint of Standardized and Composable Machine Learning” by Eric Xing
If you do think you have seen me somewhere not on this list, drop me an email ↩︎