
I’m Rohit Goswami, better known across the web as HaoZeke. I’m not the first of my name, which is why instead of rgoswami, I occasionally use rg0swami when I need to be identified by something closer to my name.

The actual username is a throwback to back when people liked being anonymous (and with multiple personalities) online, so that ought to give an idea of how old I am. A curriculum vitae is available here.

It is difficult to keep this section short and not let it spill into an unstructured memoir. For a while I considered trying to consolidate my online presences but that turned out to be completely impossible without a series of posts and avatars1. I did however eventually set up a sporadically updated collection of web-links involving me. There is also, a separate list of quotes, or other things I have something to say about.

Tangible Positions

Intangible Positions

This is a set of things which are primarily online and/or voluntary in a non-academic sense.

Historical Connections

What follows is a more informal set of places I am or have been associated with or are of significance to me2. Many of these are tangible, but better ordered in this manner.







I thought it might be of use to list a few of my more official visages. This is mostly to ensure people do not confuse me with a Sasquatch3. These mugshots are exactly that, mugshots for profile icons4.

Figure 1: A collage of mugshots, shuffled and not ordered by date

Figure 1: A collage of mugshots, shuffled and not ordered by date


If you’ve gotten this far, you might also want to check out the following5:

  1. I didn’t think it would be necessary, but just in case it isn’t clear, people listed here are not necessarily all references or anything, this is a personal list of people associated with each city, not a cover letter ↩︎

  2. I grew up on the verdant and beautiful TIFR Mumbai campus, and completed high school and undergraduate stuff while playing with peacocks and things on the IIT Kanpur campus ↩︎

  3. This is not a replacement for an Instagram feed or a Facebook wall, or even a ResearchGate or Publons or ORCID page; all of which I do sporadically remember I have ↩︎

  4. Made with the Mountain Tapir Collage Maker ↩︎

  5. There won’t ever be any content behind paywalls though ↩︎