Go to the documentation of this file.
2 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ! Gauss-Jacobi Quadrature Implementation
4 ! Authors: Rohit Goswami <rgoswami[at]ieee.org>
5 ! Source: GaussJacobiQuad Library
6 ! License: MIT
7 ! GitHub Repository: https://github.com/HaoZeke/GaussJacobiQuad
8 ! Date: 2023-08-28
9 ! Commit: c442f77
10 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 ! This code is part of the GaussJacobiQuad library, providing an efficient
12 ! implementation for Gauss-Jacobi quadrature nodes and weights computation.
13 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 ! To cite this software:
15 ! Rohit Goswami (2023). HaoZeke/GaussJacobiQuad: v0.1.0.
16 ! Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.8285112
17 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
33 module gjp_types
34 implicit none
35 private
36 public sp, dp, hp, qp, gjp_sparse_matrix
39 integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0.d0), & ! double precision
40  hp = selected_real_kind(15), & ! high precision
41  qp = selected_real_kind(32), & ! quadruple precision
42  sp = kind(0.) ! single precision
50  real(dp), allocatable :: diagonal(:)
51  real(dp), allocatable :: off_diagonal(:)
52 end type gjp_sparse_matrix
54 end module gjp_types
Module for defining types and precision levels for Gauss-Jacobi Polynomial (GJP) calculations.
Definition: gjp_types.f90:33
integer, parameter, public hp
Definition: gjp_types.f90:39
integer, parameter, public dp
Define various kinds for real numbers.
Definition: gjp_types.f90:39
integer, parameter, public sp
Definition: gjp_types.f90:39
integer, parameter, public qp
Definition: gjp_types.f90:39
Sparse representation of a Jacobi matrix.
Definition: gjp_types.f90:49