7 minutes
Written: 2020-05-02 20:30 +0000
Updated: 2025-03-10 00:52 +0000
Refactoring Dotfiles For Colemak
This post is part of the Colemak necessities series.
A more actionable follow up to my personal recollections relating to my switch to Colemak.
I have, in the past written about how I made the switch to Colemak. However, until recently, I was still trying to mimic the VIM keybindings from QWERTY. This is a post where I discuss the changes I made to ensure that I never have to stretch my fingers in odd ways again. The main idea is expressed well by vim-colemak.
1Colemak layout: | QWERTY layout:
2`12345 67890-= Move around: | (instead of) `12345 67890-=
3 qwfpg jluy;[]\ e | k qwert yuiop[]\
4 arstd HNEIo' h i | h l asdfg HJKL;'
5 zxcvb km,./ n | j zxcvb nm,./
It is important to note that the sudo
command does not automatically pick up on your keyboard layout. It is best to set this explicitly. Use visudo
and un-comment Defaults env_keep += "LANG LANGUAGE LINGUAS LC_* _XKB_CHARSET"
, or:
2echo 'Defaults env_keep += "LANG LANGUAGE LINGUAS LC_* _XKB_CHARSET"' >> /etc/sudoers
Though I have mentioned publicly, that I was using the regular QWERTY motion
keys, I realized I had actually started to use the mouse more often, simply
because it was a pain to navigate. Thankfully, emacs
has evil-colemak-basics,
which is fabulous. For reference, these make it really easy for QWERTY users to
make the switch if they’re previously used to VIM bindings.
Colemak | Qwerty | Action | States | At Qwerty position? | Remarks |
h , n , e , i | h , j , k , l | navigate | mnvo | yes | |
k , K | n , N | search next/previous | mnvo | yes | |
u , U | i , I | insert | _nv_ | yes | |
l | u | undo | _nv_ | yes | |
N | J | join lines | _nv_ | yes | |
E | K | lookup | mnv_ | yes | |
u | i | inner text object keymap | ___o | yes | |
f , F | e , E | jump to end of word | mnvo | yes | with t-f-j rotation |
t , T | f , f | jump to character | mnvo | yes | with t-f-j rotation |
j , J | t , T | jump until character | mnvo | no | with t-f-j rotation |
j , J | e , E | jump to end of word | mnvo | no | without t-f-j rotation |
Where the table above is from the fantastic readme.
I still had some issues, mostly relating to searching in buffers, so I ended
using swiper-isearch
more which is a bonus too.
Visual Lines
Since I tend to keep visual-line-mode
all the time, it makes sense to actually swap working with lines and visual lines.
To work this through this needs evil-better-visual-line.
1(use-package! evil-better-visual-line
2 :after evil-colemak-basics
3 :config
4 (evil-better-visual-line-on)
5 (map! :map evil-colemak-basics-keymap
6 (:nvm "n" 'evil-better-visual-line-next-line
7 :nvm "e" 'evil-better-visual-line-previous-line
8 :nvm "g n" 'evil-next-line
9 :nvm "g e" 'evil-previous-line))
For my doom-emacs
configuration, I also set the following map:
1(after! pdf-view
2 (add-hook! 'pdf-view-mode-hook (evil-colemak-basics-mode -1))
3 (map!
4 :map pdf-view-mode-map
5 :n "g g" #'pdf-view-first-page
6 :n "G" #'pdf-view-last-page
7 :n "N" #'pdf-view-next-page-command
8 :n "E" #'pdf-view-previous-page-command
9 :n "e" #'evil-collection-pdf-view-previous-line-or-previous-page
10 :n "n" #'evil-collection-pdf-view-next-line-or-next-page
11 )
Where the most important thing is the hook which removes the
binding. Since it is a single mode and hook, after-hook!
is the same as after-hook
Window Management
Somehow these are not part of the evil-colemak
1(after! evil
2 (map! :map evil-window-map
3 (:leader
4 (:prefix ("w" . "Select Window")
5 :n :desc "Left" "h" 'evil-window-left
6 :n :desc "Up" "e" 'evil-window-up
7 :n :desc "Down" "n" 'evil-window-down
8 :n :desc "Right" "i" 'evil-window-right
9 ))
10 ))
Harmonizing with Vimium.
1(after! evil (map! :map evil-motion-state-map
2 (:n :desc "Previous match" "K" 'evil-ex-search-previous
3 :n :desc "Next match" "k" 'evil-ex-search-next
4 :n :desc "Forward search" "/" 'evil-search-forward
5 )
6 ))
Page Movement
Though this is more of a personal preference, I find it more natural to bind N and E to page-wise movement instead of join lines and lookup, since I almost never use those commands, and the movement keys echo what I expect elsewhere.
1(after! evil
2 (map! :map evil-colemak-basics-keymap
3 :nv "N" 'evil-scroll-page-up
4 :nv "E" 'evil-scroll-page-down)
5 )
Evil Org
Annoyingly, evil-org-mode
had a map which kept overriding all my other
settings. Thankfully it has a helper variable to set movement. I also do not
need this anyway, at-least not by default.
1(after! org
2 (remove-hook 'org-mode-hook 'evil-org-mode)
3 (setq evil-org-movement-bindings
4 '((up . "e") (down . "n")
5 (left . "h") (right . "i"))
6 )
I use the excellent vimium to make Chrome be a little less annoying. Luckily the Wiki seems to have a reasonable suggestion for colemak. The basic idea is to migrate the underlying keys directly to ensure very few manual changes are required.
1mapkey n j
2mapkey N J
3mapkey e k
4mapkey E K
5mapkey i l
6mapkey I L
7mapkey k n
8mapkey K N
9mapkey l i
10mapkey L I
11mapkey j e
12mapkey J E
I still use the fantastic tridactyl for Firefox when I can. However, the bindings are slightly more involved, since there is no equivalent for the mapkey
which Vimium
1" Rebinds for colemak
2" hjkl --> hnei
3bind h scrollpx -50
4bind n scrollline 10
5bind e scrollline -10
6bind i scrollpx 50
7" HJKL --> HNEI
8bind H back
9bind N tabprev
10bind E tabnext
11bind I forward
For a lot of terminal edits, vim
is still my editor of choice, and vim-colemak works without any trouble in my configuration.
To ensure uniform bindings, I used to use bindkey -v
but will need some minor
changes to that set up. I based this part of my configuration off the bindings
of bunnyfly.
1bindkey -v
2# Colemak.
3 bindkey -M vicmd "h" backward-char
4 bindkey -M vicmd "n" down-line-or-history
5 bindkey -M vicmd "e" up-line-or-history
6 bindkey -M vicmd "i" forward-char
7 bindkey -M vicmd "s" vi-insert
8 bindkey -M vicmd "S" vi-insert-bol
9 bindkey -M vicmd "k" vi-repeat-search
10 bindkey -M vicmd "K" vi-rev-repeat-search
11 bindkey -M vicmd "l" beginning-of-line
12 bindkey -M vicmd "L" end-of-line
13 bindkey -M vicmd "j" vi-forward-word-end
14 bindkey -M vicmd "J" vi-forward-blank-word-end
16# Sane Undo, Redo, Backspace, Delete.
17 bindkey -M vicmd "u" undo
18 bindkey -M vicmd "U" redo
19 bindkey -M vicmd "^?" backward-delete-char
20 bindkey -M vicmd "^[[3~" delete-char
22# Keep ctrl+r searching
23 bindkey -M viins '^R' history-incremental-pattern-search-forward
24 bindkey -M viins '^r' history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
There is no better pdf
viewer than zathura, and it also works for djvu
friends. As a plus point, it normally has very reasonable vim
bindings, and an
excellent configuration system, so we will leverage that. The best part is that
we can just add to it using include zathuraColemak
or whatever so as to be
minimally invasive.
1map h scroll left
2map n scroll down
3map e scroll up
4map i scroll right
6map N scroll half-down
7map E scroll half-up
9map k search forward
10map K search backward
12# For TOC navigation
13map [index] o toggle_index
15# hjkl → hnei
16map [index] n navigate_index down
17map [index] e navigate_index up
18map [index] h navigate_index collapse
19map [index] i navigate_index expand
21map [index] H navigate_index collapse-all
22map [index] I navigate_index expand-all
Zathura is a complicated beast, however, and my full configuration contains a lot more information.
I have some bindings set up in terms of $left $right $up and $down, so it was simple to re-bind them.
1set $left h
2set $down n
3set $up e
4set $right i
Sadly, one of the email clients I do use regularly of late is MailMate. It supports a rather rich set of keybindings placed, e.g. with "~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/"
configured as follows:
2 "c" = "newMessage:";
3 "/" = "searchAllMessages:";
4 "n" = "nextMessage:";
5 "e" = "previousMessage:";
6 "h" = "collapseThread:";
7 "i" = "expandThread:";
8 "H" = "rootOfThread:";
9 "I" = "lastOfThread:";
10 "N" = "nextThread:";
11 "E" = "previousThread:";
12 "o" = "openMessages:";
13 "x" = ( "deleteMessage:", "nextMessage:" ); // Defaults to going to the previous message
14 "a" = "archive:";
15 "s" = "toggleFlag:";
16 "!" = "moveToJunk:";
17 "r" = "reply:";
18 "R" = "replyAll:";
19 "f" = "forwardMessage:";
20 "^s" = "saveDocument:";
21 "u" = "toggleReadState:";
That seems to be it for now. If I think of more programs I use regularly which
allow VIM bindings, or keybindings in general, I’ll probably just update this
post. My full dotfiles are present here, and now include a colemak
Series info
Colemak necessities series
- Switching to Colemak
- Refactoring Dotfiles For Colemak <-- You are here!
- Remapping Keys with XKB and KLFC
- Remapping Keys for ColemakVIM on MacOS
- Icelandic with Compose Keys on Linux