ASV Memray Benchmark Plugin documentation#

asv_bench_memray is an externally defined memray benchmark plugin for asv using asv_runner.


In your asv.conf.json add the following to the requirements matrix:

"matrix": {
    "req": {
        "numpy": ["1.21"],
        "asv_plugin_memray": [""]

This should be enough for an example like the following to run:

import numpy as np

class MyBenchmark:
    params = [10, int(2e4)]

    def ray_sum(self, n): = np.random.rand(n)

Which should result in something roughly like:

ASV_RUNNER_PATH="../asv_runner" asv run --bench sum
· Creating environments.......
· Discovering benchmarks
·· Uninstalling from virtualenv-py3.9-asv_bench_memray.._asv_bench_memray-numpy1.21
·· Building 30a650cb <main> for virtualenv-py3.9-asv_bench_memray.._asv_bench_memray-numpy1.21.
·· Installing 30a650cb <main> into virtualenv-py3.9-asv_bench_memray.._asv_bench_memray-numpy1.21
· Running 1 total benchmarks (1 commits * 1 environments * 1 benchmarks)
[ 0.00%] · For project commit 30a650cb <main>:
[ 0.00%] ·· Benchmarking virtualenv-py3.9-asv_bench_memray.._asv_bench_memray-numpy1.21
[100.00%] ··· benchmarks.MyBenchmark.ray_sum                                                ok
[100.00%] ··· ======== =======
              -------- -------
                 10     1.72k
               20000     162k
              ======== =======

ASV_RUNNER_PATH="../asv_runner" asv run --bench sum  8.72s user 3.04s system 99% cpu 11.877 total



Indices and tables#